Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Boston Club

Ok, back to school was the last post and the DAILY Gus falls apart. Gus's siblings started High School this year and Gus has not been able to blog on a daily basis. Enough whining, here is where we left off. Gus had an introductory school meeting with Rob and Erin, the owners of Sit Means Sit dog training. It went well. Gus did not spend a lot of time training but Erin spent some one on one time with him. Afterward she mentioned that he is a good dog but perhaps a little on the stubborn side[hence, going to school ;-) ]. Now to switch gears. The Boston Club...we had no idea that when we decided to adopt Gus we would be entering a realm that would so greatly effect our lives. Suddenly, every day events such as taking walks, going out for potty breaks and play times almost always involve a goo-goo ga-ga session with a fellow Boston Terrier owner. You know you have entered the club when you are driving down the street and you and your wife get excited and eek "Boston!" at the site of one of these cute little critters (much to the embarrassment of your 14 year old daughter). To those of you who are in the club, I know you understand. To those of you who are not in the club, let me put it this way...Your friends start sending you photos like this one on a regular basis, and it is considered not only normal, but endearing. Cheers!